20 Random things

You don’t know much about me. Let's change that. Here are a few tidbits, opinions and perspectives—a peek into my cranium.

  1. I’m addicted to Thai food. So much so I named my dog after it. Thai Rone Marshall. Now, say it together fast.

  2. I’ve swam with sharks and lived to tell the tale or perhaps they just didn’t find me appetizing. I'm not for everyone or everything and I’m OK with that.

  3. I own more notebooks than you have socks. Cloth and leather-bound; lined and unlined; bullet and traditional. It’s an obsession.

  4. If I could do anything and not fail, I’d open up a stationery store and smell notebooks all day.

  5. I take the non-mixing of my food very seriously.

  6. Laughing at myself comes easily to me.

  7. My favorite poem is “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out.” It totally gave me permission as a kid to hide my vegetables under my bed.

  8. There’s nothing in life that big hair, a hearty laugh, and red lipstick can’t fix. Or so I’m told.

  9. Social justice is like weight loss. Everyone wants to be skinny but no one wants to put in the work.

  10. If you ask me to say, “park my car in Harvard yard” in order to hear my Boston accent, you’ll be disappointed. After 22 years in Bean Town, I went to school in North Carolina and lived in New York, Chicago, Bentonville, Arkansas, D.C. and now New Jersey.

  11. The best ideas solve a human truth.

  12. Dustin Hoffman and Rene Russo totally had me wanting to be a virologist after seeing Outbreak in 1995. I even majored in Chemistry my first two years of college but I failed math.

  13. My math skills are almost nonexistent. I do know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The rest is a bit hazy.

  14. I’m addicted to mid-century modern design. I own a rare Milo Baughman case sofa I had reupholstered in leather. It took a year – don’t ask - but now I’m worthy of my own Mad Men episode. Don Draper eat your heart out.

  15. I do what I love and I do it obsessively. That includes photography, sewing, scuba diving, creating handmade stationery, and playing hide-and-seek with a dog that's 20-1.

  16. "Follow the leader" never seemed like good advice. What if they don't know where they're going? 

  17. And yeah, I love being me. I'm an original not a carbon copy. Although I am officially - like documented - a junior. No, men aren't the only ones who can do it. 

  18. I will find any excuse to send someone a handwritten note. I even leave random notes for strangers in parks because everyone should be told they matter and are loved. 

  19. Whomever said it's not how you win but how you played the game probably won all the time. I'm a winner too and want everyone around me to be as well. Forbes' Best Social Media Campaign recipient and PRSA Chicago Skyline Awards + Mashies winner for M&M'S Red Nose Day.  

  20. I've never read a book I didn't like. On my nightstand now are Donde Whitfield’s Man vs. Male and Priscilla Schirer’s Elijah. 


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